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 crosses void rift basic's

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Posts : 65
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crosses   void rift  basic's Empty
PostSubject: crosses void rift basic's   crosses   void rift  basic's Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2012 3:10 am

This is just a skeleton guide for Void and it's still incomplete. I'll be adding more information and be making it more visually friendly as I gather more materials.

Otherverse 3 - Void Rift

Recommended supplies:

Sacred Blessings
Stun Recovery Potions (From Dorothy)
Bleeding Recovery Potions (From Dorothy
Poison Recovery Potions (From Dorothy)
Super Blitz Contract (Optional, Very helpful to have)
First Room

The first room of this dungeon is a straight forward "Kill everything" room.
However, just because it's straight forward does not mean you can be reckless.
There is a group of monsters, about 6, that have a high ability to swarm and easily kill of the party.
They can cause heavy bleeding damage and attack in rapid succession while having a long attacking range.

Second Room

Upon entering the second room, all party members will be locked in a cage except for the person in the first party spot.
There will be two cubes on the room map. One will be flashing red, the other will won't be. The individual who is free must attack the cube that is not flashing red using only X-attack. Attacking the red cube too many times will result in the attackers death. During this time, the mini-boss will be attacking you as you try to push the cube so it'll be best to adopt a "Hit & Run" strategy. Trying to kill the mini-boss is not the goal of this room. When the screen flashes red, jump to avoid his stun attack. The stun from the attack does not go away easily so the stun potions come in handy in this room. As you push the cube a certain distance towards their platforms, a party member will be released to aid you. For each party member released, another mob will be spawned to aid the mini-boss. These mobs are moderately quick and can easily hinder your progress. Once both cubes reach their platform the mini-boss and the mobs will die and you will be able to proceed to the next room.
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Posts : 65
Join date : 2010-06-26
Age : 31
Location : Canon City

crosses   void rift  basic's Empty
PostSubject: Re: crosses void rift basic's   crosses   void rift  basic's Icon_minitimeFri Jul 06, 2012 1:40 am

here is a helpful flash game for remembering the void rift tile patterns
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