Welcome to Floating Castle, your 3rd "secret" dungeon. By now you probably hate expellers with a passion however this dungeon is a nice change, for starters the map never alternates, boss or likewise, possible fairies are always in the same spots and whatnot, the 2nd nice thing is although there are expellers you're at a higher level to deal with em, most of gray anyway, devoid of superarmor, legion however are a different case.
The dungeon is mapped like this in ascending order:
Mage sisters/elementals (possible green fairy in middle box)
Expellers/Legion (blessed fairy next to stairs up)
Goblin Assassin/Expellers (possible fairy in box behind lamps)
Expellers (start room)
This never alternates.
I'll concern myself with the unique parts of this dungeon, first off you'll meet up with a new kind of Expeller called Legion, these have a little longer range with their lances and if caught you might be swarmed, take note of that.
There are 4 mini bosses in this dungeon,
You'll meet the Goblin Assassin on the 5th floor, he'll be situated on top of a chandelier and can't be knocked off unlike the normal Goblins in Vest. He has 3 attacks, he can lob fireballs in a set of 4, toss a bomb and shower the room with ninja stars, if you happen to be a class that doesn't have an effective jump attack or some sort of high reaching skill this might be an annoying room for ya. stand under the chandelier to avoid the worst of it, but remember to move when he dies before that lamp comes down on ya!
Axion is the next mini, and can be a pain if he wants to be. He's a giant red expeller and basically acts like a gray one, with one large exception. The room you fight him in has a full stock of Legion and at his command, all will coordinate an attack that can almost spam the room, this can 1-shot you if you're not careful, if you see him hold his sword up for a duration, move to the bottom of the room, quickly.
The last two are old friends from the past, the mage sisters, in the room there is an abundance of Nadas and Adors, lamps adorn the middle of it. Binoche thankfully doesn't have her meteor attack anymore but Keraha still can summon ice upon the ground, do yourself a favor and don't corner yourself, use the room to your fullest extent, and backstep often, they counterattack fast.
BOSSBakal's evil eyes
The name is stupid but yeah, you square off against Bakal's...evil eyes. The left eye can fire a laser beam across the room capable of petrifying any in its path. The right can fire a group of eyeballs capable of blinding anyone they hit, they go out in sets of 5. Both eyes have the ability to summon an eye vortex thing on the ground that will follow whoever they target for a short time, simply run circles away from the party. They also have a Wave Radiation esque move that knocks any would be melee away (superarmor ftw?). The nice thing is for the most part these mobs are stationary, they can slide up and down and thats it, by now you should be used to shuffling on an axis right? The only really dangerous part is right at the beginning, the expellers in the room as you start can make it hard to dodge projectiles, best bet is to aggro em and kill em off in a corner near an eye.
Melee: Pretty straightforward, Mash the left eye first to avoid surprise petrifications, then rebuff and go for right, be careful when you get up close, watch the eye's attacks, if it charges move up because it might catch you with the 5 eye shot, 1 eye hurts, 5 can almost halve your HP, thats if you have any def.
Magic/ranged: even simpler, once again destroy the left eye first, now get this, if you have a long enough range attack you can literally stand an inch or so off the entrance and the eye can't hit you unless it uses the vortex, which you can avoid by walking in a circle when you see the eyeball charge on the ground.
(Looter's note) For all of ya'll getting ready to make some cash floating is a great farming zone, it has a chance to drop the infamous Bamboo Bracelet, as well as many weapons that sell quite well on the open market.